Wolf Pack Doula provides labor support and postnatal care to families for the amazing journey of birth and the precious first moments of welcoming new life.

The Wolf Pack Way


Loving kindness


When’s your due date?

  • Pregnancy Doula Care

    We are here to help you:

    • put your feet up while we cook diner

    • get to the finish line with a nesting project

    • talk about changes in your partnership/family dynamics

    • support you in your vision for your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum time

    • help you find remedies to your pregnancy discomforts

    • assist with research and referrals in case complicated or unusual pregnancy conditions arise

    • prepare meals and aftercare supplies for postpartum

  • Birth Doula Care

    Customized childbirth education, labor support, and birth assistance including one prenatal visit (2 hours) to get to know one another and review your birth plan, and one postpartum visit 2-hours to provide postpartum support and integrate the birth experience.

    Birth doulas are on call from 37 weeks gestation (3 weeks before your due date). When labor is established, your doula will assist you through virtual (call, text, and video call) support through early labor, and meet you at your place of delivery when labor becomes active.

    During your labor and birth we provide compassionate and informed care- attending to your needs, communicating with your partner about how to support you, and advocating for your wishes to be respected by your birthing team.

  • Postnatal Doula Care

    In-home doula care for postpartum families.

    You will be served by one or more amazing doulas from the Wolf Pack practice. We will meet prenatally to discuss your goals and design a customized care plan, including:

    Educational support: feeding, sleeping, infant care, nutrition and meal planning

    Emotional support: listening and providing advice/referrals as requested

    Practical support: household chores, cooking, care for other children

  • Private Chef

    Nutrient dense meals prepared with parents and children in mind.

    After completing an intake survey, we will create a menu based on your families preferences and dietary needs.

    Each session, our chefs create a menu, source ingredients, and prepare, cook, and wash up in your home.

    Nourishing foods for parents will promote health and provide energy to replenish the body’s resources for the enormous work of birth and caring for a newborn.

Mama S. B.

“Zaro has an undeniably grounding presence. Beyond her advice, troubleshooting, and incredible cooking, it has been her consistent calming presence that has meant the most to me as a new parent.”

Partner J. L.

“Zaro gave needed help so my wife could focus on caring for the baby and self-care.”

Mama A. A.

“Zaro has the perfect disposition and manner as a doula. She is particularly helpful in supporting the whole family system, not just the baby. She provided creative and loving support.”